2015年1月31日 星期六

Gold Hearts – Taiwan Souvenirs

We made different thick gold foils along with gold particles, hence many gold-compositions were obtained. As shown in the following pictures, different heart-shapes of gold-composition were created as Taiwan souvenirs. These gold-heat were created for the enjoyment of the glorious gold.

2015年1月29日 星期四

Gold Foils – Taiwan Souvenir

Gold adsorbs the high-energy-part of UV light and reflects the low-energy-part of electromagnetic waves, hence gold is the admiration of the whole metals. We made thick gold foils with wrinkles, hence many gold specimens were created. As shown in the following pictures, beautiful compositions of these thick gold foils are valuable for our admiration. They are Taiwan souvenirs.

2015年1月25日 星期日

Gold Foils – Taiwan Souvenir

We made thick gold foils with overall hackly in texture, hence many gold specimens were created. As shown in the following picture, a fan-shaped ginkgo leaf with veins radiating out into the leaf blade was made for admire. It is a hand-made Taiwan souvenir.

2015年1月24日 星期六

Gold Leaf – Taiwan Souvenir

Similar to the production of our silver-leaves, gold leaves were created in our lab. The leaf shapes of Taiwan-Wild-Grape are beautiful, as shown in the following pictures, a leaf-blade was turned into its corresponding gold sculpture (gold leaf) with its original vein structures and jagged edges. This gold leaf is a gold-art and a premier Taiwan-souvenir.