2016年11月30日 星期三

Palladium-Silver Calligraphy (5) – Taiwan Souvenir

A Chinese character was fabricated on a pink Mark cup by using silver and palladium. As shown in the following picture, this character was customized for a lady. The artworks is a Taiwan souvenir.

2016年11月20日 星期日

Painting of Flower-pattern – Taiwan Souvenir

To have a red color in my painting of lower pattern, iron oxide was added in my silver painting. Owing to less poison and environmental pollution, iron oxide was used in my artworks. As shown in the following picture, therefore, a rose pattern was obtained on a black ceramic tile. This is a Taiwan souvenir.

2016年11月13日 星期日

A Composition of 3D-Leaf and Painting – Taiwan Souvenir

A composition of 3D-leaf and painting was made by using silver and palladium. As shown in the following picture, a hand-made ginkgo 3D-leaf took part in a ginkgo painting, resulted a complete painting. This should be one of the best souvenir on the net.

2016年11月3日 星期四

Palladium-Silver Calligraphy (4) – Taiwan Souvenir

A Chinese “happy marriage” character was fabricated on a red plate by using silver, palladium and titanium.. In addition to a nice wedding gift, as shown in the following picture, this is also a Taiwan souvenir.